Former WWE superstar star Enzo Amore has released an Instagram post which definitely proves he is no longer a Cruiserweight division wrestler.

image: instagram@real1

He has stuffed on genuine muscle, which we at first announced before on in the week, and in the new video he yells that he isn't a cruiserweight any longer while skipping around in the exercise center.

Because of his building up, it will be fascinating to perceive how he gets on against greater wrestlers and furthermore whether WWE may let him back because of the prominence that he has with fans.

His pay per-view deals would without a doubt soar since wrestling fans will be incredibly anxious to see what his new exercise center work will lead him as well.

WWE chairman Vince McMahon is known to incline toward greater grapplers rather than more modest ones so Amore might be attempting to intrigue the wrestling chief.

At the point when he was essential for WWE, he was for quite some time related with his tag team  Big Cass - who was the more predominant of the two contenders.

As of late, he has been taking an interest on the autonomous wrestling scene in the wake of being delivered by the WWE back in 2018.

He was suspended because of his rape charges and he at first resigned from wrestling to focus in on his music profession.

The 35-year-old then, at that point, showed up at a Survivor Series occasion and must be eliminated by security for disturbing the pay per-view.

It was anything but a long retirement, however, as he was back in June 2019 to wrestle in Northeast Wrestling and afterward in Major League wrestling.

He presently calls himself Enzo and in August 2019 he wrestled in his first session beginning around 2018 as he crushed Brian Pillman Jr.

Furthermore on his Major League wrestling debut, he beat Matt Cross at the War Chamber occasion.

His next battle is on the Northeast Wrestling occasion "Wrestlefest XXVI", when he will collaborate with Bully Ray to take on Adam Scherr and Erick Redbeard.

That occasion will undoubtedly be watched by McMahon in light of the fact that without a doubt it's a good idea to take him back to the WWE - it's what every one of the fans need!

It is probably going to be incredibly well known after the new Instagram posts since he is a major selling point for wrestling bosses.